Here are a few of the texts available on Premiere. We played around with the texts available until we came up with things we thought suitable. Some of our finished pieces can be found below.

Here is the title for our film. We have used the font Bell Gothic Std, the text itself is white and has a pink shadow to it. The font size is 51.
I think this text and colour combination works well and matches the genre of our film. The pink glow informs the audience that the film they are about to see has a girlie element to it.
Camilla went back into our film and changed the titles to something she thought more suitable.
The font- Adobe Casino Pro, size- 179 and has been made bold. The colour combination is representative of our genre.

Here are the fonts that the other girls have picked out for our credits. They have chosen to use the title font and use of shadowing, this helps the credits flow, it shows that they are linked. I like the use of the pink text and it stands out against the background.
Again, Camilla played around with the fonts a little more until she has something she thought suitable. The font is Adobe Casino Pro tying in with our title. It links the two together. The size of this font changes throughout. The colour white allows it to stand out of most of the backgrounds it is placed.
Here is our final production logo that Yasmin made.
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